Apple Recently Donated $410 Million to THIS China-Dependent U.S. Company


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Exclusive: Apple announced a new $410 million to be given to II-VI (a major manufacturing company of optical technology) on May 5.  The grant came less than two weeks after II-VI opened a large Technology and R&D Center in China and joined two US-China groups, both actions meant to expand II-VI’s already extensive manufacturing activities in and connections with Communist China.

In 2017, Apple gave an initial grant to II-VI of $390 million from its Advanced Manufacturing Fund.  On May 5, 2021, Apple announced the further $410 million from its Fund to II-VI, enthusing over II-VI’s technology products and advertising this partnership as bringing more jobs to Americans.

“The partnership between Apple and II-VI sets the stage for a new wave of breakthrough technologies that we believe will enable a wide range of applications that will benefit our world for decades to come,” said II-VI’s CEO Dr. Vincent Mattera Jr.

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There’s another country, however, that II-VI just brought more jobs to, and it’s the United States’ chief enemy.

Less than two weeks before Apple announced its new grant, II-VI opened its “largest technology and R&D hub” yet in Shanghai, China, “with nearly 600 employees.”  II-VI proudly posted the news on its website, touting the fact that the new Technology and R&D Center’s “grand opening ceremony was held with speakers, live entertainment, and facility tours.”

II-VI declared, “The Center will leverage its broad base of talent. . . These leading-edge innovations will unlock the further potential of the Cloud and 5G networks,” among other things.  Dr Mattera stated, “The Technology and R&D Center in Shanghai will be a jewel in the crown for II-VI’s worldwide innovation initiatives, focusing on key mega market trends where II-VI will continue to have a significant impact.”

II-VI then frankly boasted of the fact that half of its employees are in China, saying the new Center’s opening followed right on “II-VI’s announcement that it expanded its silicon carbide manufacturing footprint to China to serve the largest worldwide market for electric vehicles. II-VI maintains a large manufacturing operations and product development presence in China in the cities of Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou, and Wuxi, where more than half of II-VI’s 22,000 employees are located.”  In fact, II-VI opened a new applications laboratory in Suzhou, China, as recently as March, 2021.

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II-VI said that it is now a member of both the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR), as well as the U.S.-China Business Council (USCBC), citing “its long-term commitment to its customers and operations in China.”  Below are the missions of the NCUSCR and the USCBC:

“The NCUSCR ( is a nonprofit educational organization that encourages understanding of China and the United States through ongoing public education, face-to-face contact, and exchange of ideas. The USCBC’s ( mission is to expand the U.S.-China commercial relationship to the benefit of its membership and, more broadly, the U.S. economy.”

This means that II-VI is actively promoting Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda, since it is a member of a committee and a council which explicitly seek to promote China and Chinese impact in the US.  The last thing the US needs is education and an “exchange of ideas” with a Communist superpower that has consistently undermined the US.

II-VI also joined the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a member.  WEF is in charge of the “Great Reset” initiative which openly seeks to remake the world completely (with China listed as a desired partner) post-Covid “pandemic.”

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