Peoria, IL Abortion Clinic Forced to Shut Down


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By Samantha Kamman

The Whole Woman’s Health Clinic in North Peoria recently announced that it will be closing its doors. CEO Amy Hagstrom Miller did not provide a specific reason for the closure, but it may have had to do with a lack of business. Miller said of the clinic closing:

“Whole Woman’s Health is committed to doing all that we can to serve the communities we are in, but unfortunately, it is no longer sustainable to keep our doors open in Peoria.”

Miller’s Texas-based abortion chain is no stranger to health and safety violations at its numerous abortion facilities, and due to recent health inspections of the Peoria clinic, Illinois Right to Life celebrated the clinic’s closure as a “pro-life victory.” Operation Rescue also uncovered a 911 call from the clinic where an abortion staffer attempted to downplay the emergency of a botched abortion to a dispatcher.

In the call, the dispatcher attempts to ask questions about the emergency from the Whole Woman’s Health staffer, as protocol uses this to determine how fast emergency medical services needed to arrive. But the staffer refused, saying that, “We are an abortion clinic, and it will be posted all over the internet.”

But there have been other health and safety violations at this Illinois abortion facility. Inspections of the facility have found:

  • Failure to ensure that abortions were done by qualified physicians (affecting an average of 44 abortions per month at the time of the inspection).
  • Failure to ensure that the Medical Director and all physicians held full admitting privileges at a hospital within a travel time of 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Expired drugs and failure to properly date and label drugs.Failure to store syringes in a manner that would prevent cross-contamination.
  • Failure to ensure informed consent accurately reflected patient instructions.

The announcement of the clinic’s closure comes as lawmakers seek to pass radical pro-abortion legislation. A recent Illinois abortion law repeals abortion clinic regulations and parental notification laws.

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