U.S. University KICKS OUT Over 200 Unvaccinated Students

This past week over 200 students have been disenrolled from the University of Virginia after failing to meet the requirements for the vaccination mandate that was issued earlier this summer. Caroline Newman a journalist for the University stated that the school has had over “96.6%” of incoming students declare their vaccination status being completed with […]

Radical Virginia Abortion Bill Heads to the Governor’s Desk

After passing in the House of Delegates, Virginia state senators have voted in favor of a radical new abortion bill, HB980. The law would eliminate regulations such as the state’s 24-hour waiting period and informed consent laws. Non-physicians such as physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, and certified-nurse midwives would be added to the list of people […]

DETAILS: Radical Virginia Gun Control Bill Fails

In November 2019, Virginia Democrats gained control of both the Senate and House of Delegates. Since then, they have made gun control a primary issue. However, many Virginians oppose restricting their access to firearms. More than 100 cities, towns, and counties declared themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuaries to defend against gun control laws. Thousands of 2nd […]