DETAILS: Dems Set to Propose SCOTUS Expansion Thursday on the Steps

The left’s latest proposed power grab is here. Thursday, a handful of Democratic congressmen and women will take to the steps of the Supreme Court to announce legislation that would expand the court, according to Fox News. The Democrats are reportedly set to propose an expansion of the court to 13 seats. With a 3-6 […]

Biden DHS Chief Calls Climate a Crisis, Refuses to Say the Same about the Border

As the border crisis worsens daily, recently surpassing the twenty-year high in illegal crossings, President Joe Biden has remained largely useless. His Department of Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas has been downplaying the situation to the press, and has refused to call the border influx a crisis. Mayorkas only went as far as calling the […]

“MOST” Cuomo Staffers Aren’t Even Showing Up to Work

The situation keeps getting worse for embattled New York Governor Andrew Cuomo; his staff is no longer showing up for work. Cuomo has infamously dominated the news cycle for the past couple of months. First, the Governor and his team led thousands of seniors to their deaths in nursing homes. Then, the allegations of sexual […]

CRICKETS: Biden STILL Silent on Cuomo Allegations

It has been nearly three months since Lindsey Boylan first accused New York Governor Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment in December. Since then, three more women have come forward, and Cuomo is facing calls to resign. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden is still silent about all accusations against his friend, Andrew Cuomo. Once again, it appears […]