SHOCKING: FBI Raids Trump’s Mar-A-Lago: Everything We Know


picutres of fbi raiding home of donald j. trump
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In a shocking move, the Federal Bureau of Investigation executed an unprecedented search warrant of former President Trump’s primary residence in Palm Beach, Florida.  

Agents raided Mar-A-Lago on Monday.  According to Trump, the raiding agents even entered his personal safe. 

According to the AP, the reason agents engaged in the raid was to see whether he relocated “classified records” from the White House to his Florida home. However, many suspect the real motivation behind the raid is political. 

The FBI just raided President Trump's home. Do you stand with Trump?

The FBI just raided President Trump's home. Do you stand with Trump?

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Trump releases scathing statement

Trump announced the raid in a statement. He called the raid neither “necessary or appropriate”. 

trump first statement on mar-a-lago raid

“These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida is currently under siege, raided and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to the President of the United States before…It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by the Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024…”

Trump supporters rally at Mar-A-Lago to defend President

Trump supporters were quick to come out in support of the president, lining the street nearby his home with trucks and flags in support of Trump. 

Conservatives & Republicans rally around Trump 

Both conservatives and Republicans showed their solidarity with the President following news of the raid. 

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy released a statement saying the “Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization…” He promised to investigate the DOJ as soon as the Republicans “take back the House”. 

Blake Masters said Americans should be terrified of the political nature of the raid. 

Joe Kent went on Tucker Carlson Tonight (guest hosted by Will Cain) to discuss the raid. 

“We’ve seen the complete and total weaponization of our national security state…the Russiagate sham hoax…now with the narrative coming from January 6th…the national security state continues to be on the hunt against President Trump and even all the way down to parents who show up to school board meetings. 

We have to realize we are at war. When we take back the House in 2022, bringing the national security state to heel must be our top priority. 

Any Republican who is not ready for that fight is not ready for duty.”

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon also reacted to the raid on Will Cain. 

“They have obviously weaponized by the Justice Department…this is about pure power politics. They are absolutely scared to death about Trump…the FBI right now is the gestapo.”

Eric Trump, Donald Trump’s son, said the safe breached by the FBI was empty. 

U.S. Representative Anthony Sabatini called for an emergency legislative session to amend laws regarding federal agencies, sever all ties with the DOJ and arrest any FBI agent conducting functions outside the purview of the state. 

MAGA favorite Lauren Boebert called for a Select Committee to investigate the raid and said the United States is turning into a banana republic.

Raid is a change in tactics and tone for the nation

The raid represents a significant escalation in tactics and tone in the fight for national control. We will continue to report on future breaking news surrounding Trump, the FBI and political weaponization of the national security state.

Photo credits: Reuters, NBC News.

5 Responses

  1. Every state in the union should be against this. The reps. on the January 6 committee should be voted out of office. They base their investigations on hate and fear. If Donald Trump is elected president with a conservative congress he can sure enough “drain the swamp”.

  2. It’s a problem and if I were them since they didn’t realize that this would mobilize Americans against them. From where I stand this should cause an uprising

  3. We are now living in the hidenbiden’s banana republic of insanity. Now that he has weaponized the government bias, against a former president, and soon to be president.they are after half the country. Like the president said ” there not after me,their after all of us,half the country, are Trump deplorables. I think they are trying to start a civil war,agaisnt patriots in this country, with there two=tier justice system,u can’t possibly win that.

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