Beto O’Rourke Run Out of Rockdale, Texas After Small Rally


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Democrat candidate for Governor of Texas Beto O’Rourke (formerly Francis Robert O’Rourke) was jeered out of town by a group of Texans supporting Republican Governor Greg Abbott.

Exiting a rally in the Kay Theatre, an extremely small building for a campaign event, Beto was swarmed by a crowd while music from Kid Rock, of all artists, played in the background.

It was a chaotic scene in Rockdale, Texas on Sunday evening.


Even in a town with a population of just over 5,000, Beto is disliked enough to be chased out by angry Americans.

This embarrassing campaign stop spells more trouble in an already rough race for Beto in the Lone Star State. The gun-grabbing Democrat currently trails incumbent Governor Abbot by eight points in the latest polls.

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