Suing the Federal Government, For Dummies

“Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion.” F. A. Hayek. Lo and behold, with the exposition of the Twitter Files by Elon Musk, it is yet another release of documents pertaining to how our government engaged in conduct whereby it flagrantly and blatantly violated the Constitution. Again. By doing so, it infringed […]

Fmr. Business Partner Tony Bobulinski Releases MORE DETAILS on Biden Family

tony bobulinski sits down with tucker carlson to discuss biden business dealings

New details have been unearthed by the team at Tucker Carlson Tonight regarding Hunter Biden, the Biden family, and business activities between them and the Chinese.  Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of the Bidens, sat down with the Fox News primetime host to talk about his new findings. Core to the discussion was the […]

Biden Admin Creating “Ministry of Truth” to Combat ‘Disinformation’ Headed by RADICAL Anti-Trump Leftist (DETAILS)

biden frowing at camera; announcing ministry of truth

President Joe Biden’s administration is creating a “disinformation board” to combat “misinformation” that ‘threatens America’ on issues including migrants and Ukraine. The new department will be part of the federal Department of Homeland Security and will be headed by “Russian expert” Nina Jankowicz, an outspoken Trump critic in 2020 who spoke out against those reporting […]

Biden Had Whopping $5.2M in Unexplained Income in ’21 (RECORDS)

biden shaking fist while talking

A recently released report has revealed that President Joe Biden has $5.2 million in extra income following the release of taxes and income projections for the past fiscal year, according to financial records. The Daily Mail released its report yesterday, exposing Biden and his infamous crack-using son Hunter, who used his father’s influence as Vice […]

CNN Anchor Brian Stelter SCHOOLED by College Freshman [FULL VIDEO]

freshman at university of chicago institute of politics destroys cnn anchor brian stelter with line of questioning

Christopher Phillips, a self-described first-year University of Chicago Institute of Politics student, blasted CNN anchor Brian Stelter with a line of questioning on news coverage, reporting ethics and the truthfulness of CNN as an outlet. Phillips said, “You’ve all spoken extensively about Fox News being a purveyor of disinformation, but CNN is right up there […]

WATCH: Kyle Rittenhouse’s Mom SLAMS Biden for Defamation

kyle rittenhouse's mother planning to sue president biden for defamation

Thursday evening, Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother Wendy went on Hannity to discuss her son’s trial and recent comments made by Joe Biden. Biden’s campaign called Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” with absolutely no reasoning in 2020, which spurred a lawsuit from the family. Watch Wendy Rittenhouse’s comments on her son’s trial here: READ MORE… Bush Appointee Pens […]

COVID-19 ‘RELIEF’ BILL: Here’s Where Your Money is Really Going.

The White House’s website, which can be reached by typing into your favorite browser (no, really!) now has a page devoted to Joe Biden’s recently-signed $1.9 trillion stimulus bill.  The page doesn’t link to the text of the bill (it’s better for Biden if Americans don’t read it) but it can be found by […]

How the Distrusted Media Makes ‘The Steal’ Seem More Real

Do you believe Donald Trump lost re-election because of fraud? If so, you are not alone. Millions are furious with Republican governors, secretaries of state, and legislatures for not doing more to stop widespread, democracy-destroying fraud. I am not one of those people. But, I understand why you would be. My reasons for not believing […]