Pope Imposes New RESTRICTIONS on Traditional Mass


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Friday, Pope Francis announced new restrictions on traditional Latin masses, which have seen growing support among conservative Catholics. This new decree applies to Catholic services across the entire globe.

Conservative Catholics have responded poorly to the Pope’s antithetical order, which is actually a reversal of a Pope Benedict ruling that lightened the restriction on Latin masses.

The Pope cites divisiveness as the reasoning for slashing his predecessor’s will in the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes:

“An opportunity offered by St. John Paul II and, with even greater magnanimity, by Benedict XVI, intended to recover the unity of an ecclesial body with diverse liturgical sensibilities, was exploited to widen the gaps, reinforce the divergences, and encourage disagreements that injure the Church, block her path, and expose her to the peril of division.”

The restrictions require parishes to get the direct approval of their bishops to practice the Latin mass. It also now adds a requirement that forces priests to get permission from their bishops prior to being ordained if they plan to lead traditional mass.

Conservatives, clergy, and traditionalists have responded on Twitter.

Here is a reply from the Daily Wire‘s Matt Walsh:


John Stone, better known as “John the Mad Monk” on Twitter, also chimed in, vowing to continue offering traditional Latin masses at his congregation:



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