Liberals Planning “Sex Camp” for Children in Rural Kentucky


sexy summer camp christopher rufo report
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American journalist Christopher F. Rufo broke a story on Tuesday afternoon, exposing four women planning to host a degenerate “Sexy Summer Camp” for children in Kentucky. Lesson plans for the summer camp were released, with topics including “sex liberation,” “BDSM,” “gender exploration,” “being a sex worker,” “sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs” and “self-managed abortions”. 

Screenshots of the summer agenda were captured as well, appearing to be hosted on Google Sheets.

sexy summer camp schedule 1
sexy summer camp schedule 2

Rufo reported on a specific “self-pleasure workshop” planning to be held during the camp. According to documentation, instructors are planning to give “hands on” lessons in masturbation. 

sexy summer camp workshop

The leader of the camp recommended masturbation as “healthy” for toddlers on Mean TV. “Masturbation is really healthy and I recommend it to people of all ages. All ages. As soon as my nephews could talk, they were doing that”

Tanya Turner is the founder of Sexy Summer Camp and a self-described “witch”, giving instructions on how to “join her coven” using her Patron page. Turner also describes herself as “fat, queer” and a “magical pleasure worker”. 

tanya turner self described witch

One Twitter user attempted to defend the summer camp by drawing an equivalence to summer Bible camps. 

leftist defending sexy summer camp

In an evening update from Rufo, the leadership of the Sexy Summer Camp are attempting to “scrub their information from the internet”. 

sexy summer camp scrubbing data from the internet

Web archives are available of the website, including the main homepage

Mr. Rufo said he would be releasing a more extensive report in the coming weeks.  

The American left-wing has supported non-traditional (some would argue degenerate or disgusting) practices and opinions around children’s sexuality. University students defended sex changes for a 9-year old boy and screamed at the father for wanting to stop this permanent change. Project Veritas exposed a CNN producer who fantasized about abusing an underage girl. Leftists had a collective internet meltdown when Florida passed a parental rights bill protecting children kindergarten through third grade from discussions regarding sexual orientation or gender identity with their teachers.

3 Responses

  1. If this was for just adults, i could care less, but its for kids as well. I think parents should talk about sex with their children when time is right, but some parents refuse and expect others to do it, so maybe a class here or there wouldn’t be terrible. But if it is teaching children with no parental consent then that’s wrong!

  2. Evil worse than Sodom & Gomorrah! Parents, wake up & pay attention! Accountability for S & G was fire & brimstone from the sky

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